As a naturopathic physician I am trained to handle any health concern as a general practitioner. However I specialize in the treatment of complex chronic diseases (autoimmunity, allergy, cancer, etc), digestive issues, and hormonal imbalances. I am passionate about uncovering the underlying causes of disease and providing lasting health solutions that fit into my patients’ busy lifestyles!
I provide the communities I work in with a different option: a doctor that listens and works to understand rather than just to eliminate symptoms. In clinical practice I use the world’s best technologies to assess whole health and combined with a focus on nutrition and botanical supplementation.​
Meet Dr. Nayak

What to Expect from My Practice
The world healing literally means “to make whole” again. In order to help your body heal, I need as many pieces of the puzzle that I can get to figure out your health solution. A first office visit will run about 60 minutes during which we will discuss your current state of health and pertinent history. After this, I’ll design a start up protocol individualized to your needs and determine whether further testing may help guide our future visits. Testing may include genome, microbiome, or other specialty labs. Treatments most often include a diet plan with additional supplements such as herbs, nutrients, or homeopathics added in as needed. The ultimate goal is to bring your body to a place of balance where minimal supplementation is needed to maintain your health.

We are accepting in office and
virtual appointments.
Office Location
1427 E Susquehanna Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19125