Natural Mama, Nurtured Baby
Getting pregnant, growing a baby, and adjusting to life with a little one can be some of the hardest work a woman has ever had to do! This program can help ensure you and your child remain healthy and happy along the way and can be started at any stage. A personalized protocol can help you to:​​​
Uncover and address some of the underlying health obstacles that may be preventing conception
Help you to understand your menstrual cycles to optimize on fertile days and get pregnant
Create a nutritious meal plan to support the changes in your body and growth of your baby
Relieve common pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, cravings, heart burn, mood swings, and more
Prepare your body and mind for a peaceful and smooth labor and delivery experience in the manner you desire
Reduce the risk for post partum depression
Receive postpartum support on issues including breast feeding, stress management, and weight loss
Understand healthcare options for your newborn and provide continued safe and natural care through milestones and challenges such as colic, teething, feeding, growth and development.
Gut Restoration Program
This program consists of a series of THREE gut microbiome tests combined with a tailored approach to bringing your digestive tract into balance including a personalized diet and supplement protocol plus an extensive report delivered at each visit tracking your progress. This is the ideal program for anyone suffering from any direct digestive as well as anyone experiencing health issues that may be improved by addressing the gut including. Some conditions that will benefit from this program include:​
Chron’s Disease
Peptic Ulcers
Autoimmune Disease
Metabolic Disease
And much more!
Meal Planning
This service can be added to any visit to eliminate the need for any guess work in diet implementation. You will be provided with a grocery list and a weekly meal plan that is tailored to your personal taste and cooking preferences but more importantly, adheres to the diet guidelines established for your health. We can even explore the menus of your favorite restaurants and choose meals that fit in to your plan! This can be great as a one time snap shot of what to eat every day or as a continued service to make life easier.
You will fill out a basic questionnaire and speak with me briefly to give insight into your eating and cooking styles and receive your meal plans via email.
No Stone Unturned
Whole Health Assessment
This program is for patients that are committed to making a lasting change to improve their health and want to leave no stone unturned along the way! Perhaps you have a long standing health issue that just has not been solved by conventional means or maybe you just want to become a healthier you and age gracefully. Either way, I designed this plan to improve lives beyond the quick fix. This is done by providing comprehensive testing and interpretation to create a fully informed health plan. This includes:
Opus 23 Genomic Analysis
Utopia Microbiome Analysis
SWAMI Personalized Diet with Recipes
(1) Week Sample Menu and Exercise Plan
Botanical supplement protocol targeted to jump start your healing process
Further Specialty Testing (if deemed appropriate)